189,384 KM
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189,384 KM
* Price shown excludes government taxes and licensing/registration fees. Mileage listings are estimates and may not accurately reflect current odometer reading. While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Prices, payments and rates are subject to change without notice, please verify all information and pricing with a sales representative or ask online.
There are pre-owned vehicles, certified pre-owned vehicles, and then there are Hyundai certified pre-owned vehicles. They are not all equal and they won’t give you the same level of satisfaction. At Boyer Hyundai, we are proud to offer our clients only the highest quality certified pre-owned vehicles at the best prices in Pickering. Here’s what you get when you opt for a Hyundai-certified pre-owned vehicle at Boyer Hyundai.
The inspection is the most important part of any pre-owned vehicle sales process. Completed before the vehicle goes on sale, the inspection covers 120 critical points on the vehicle including the interior, exterior, major mechanical components, brakes, and suspension. It guarantees that the vehicle is in the best possible condition before going on sale and that it won’t ever let you down once your purchase has been completed.
Hyundai offers a wide range of extended warranty options on all certified pre-owned vehicles starting with a 1-year or 20,000-kilometre extended warranty that takes effect after the end of the original vehicle warranty. In other words, you will always be covered when you leave Boyer Hyundai in a certified pre-owned vehicle.
There are many financial incentives to purchasing a certified pre-owned Hyundai including taking advantage of generous incentives and interest rates on financing. With financing rates as low as 0.99 percent on pre-owned vehicle purchases, you can get a certified pre-owned vehicle with the same financing as a new vehicle.
Other advantages include a 30-day (or 2,000 kilometres) exchange privilege that gives you time to get accustomed to your vehicle and determine if it truly fits your needs. Visit us today to learn more about Hyundai-certified pre-owned vehicles and let us help you make the best possible decision for you and your family.